President’s Message
As your incoming Florida Gulf Coast Chapter President, I’m humbled and honored for the opportunity to lead such an outstanding group of appraisal professionals. As a perennial standout chapter nationally, I look forward to continuing our chapter’s success and am excited to work with you all to continue to advance our chapter during 2024! Leadership, education, and professionalism are the hallmarks that come to my mind when I think of the value this chapter has offered to myself and its members through the years. These benefits do not come immediately, they come in time through dedication, consistency, passion and perseverance. Starting with leadership, I would like to thank our outgoing 2023 President, Tim Sunyog, MAI for his excellent leadership and for hanging in a bit longer due to my illness that muddied up both our educational seminar, 4th quarter chapter meeting and installation of officers in November. Again, my sincere apologies to all that were inconvenienced by the changes. Our chapter continues to generate fantastic leaders within the profession. We have a great slate of officers and board members to lead us through 2024 along with our wonderful Executive Director, Kourtney Wade. The continued growth of our chapter leaders is visible in our great leaders serving at the national level. As you all know, this is a recertification year, and our chapter will not disappoint on the education front. A total of 27 courses and seminars are already scheduled with more to come! We will continue to encourage our members to bring forth chapter developed seminars that make our education offerings extra unique and relevant. Please continue to promote the quality of AI’s education to those new to the industry, trainees and non-member colleagues alike, for our education is simply the best! The professional development that I’ve witnessed our members benefit from is extremely impactful upon their career in the profession. The benefits of networking with colleagues and other complementary professionals and clients are invaluable and we will continue to pursue opportunities to enhance these valuable engagements throughout the year. Building on successes from last year, our next two-chapter meetings will include a meeting at TopGolf at Carillon in April followed by one at a Tampa Bay Rays game suite in July. Don’t forget to bring coworkers and business colleagues along! In addition, in early April, Region X is hosting the Joint Regional meeting in Clearwater at the Sheraton Sand Key where chapter leaders from across the country will get to see firsthand why our Region and Chapter are so exceptional. I look forward to serving as your 2024 President and please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, ideas, legislative concepts, or anything else that may enter your mind that can make us even better. I’ve always tried to listen at least twice as much as I speak, and now I’ll stop talking…and listen.
National Appraisal Institute Committee Positions—2024
We would like to acknowledge the following Florida Gulf Coast chapter members who are serving on National committees during 2024:
Appraisal Institute 2024 National President: Sandra K. Adomatis, SRA
Region X Vice Chair & National Board of Directors: Wesley Sanders, MAI, AI-GRS
National Government Relations: Joni Herndon, SRA
Admissions & Designation Qualifications & Region X Government Relations: J. Matthew Terry, SRA
National Education: Julie Battaglia, MAI AI-GRS
International Relations: Steven Nystrom, MAI
Professional Standards & Guidance: Rachel Zucchi, MAI
University Relations: Ryan Zink, MAI, Chair
Michael T. Twitty, MAI
2024 Chapter President
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute